Act 3 hello neighbor
Act 3 hello neighbor

act 3 hello neighbor

Gaining access to the basement via crowbar and keycard will have you use these abilities. Peterson once per break-in, and double jump, respectively. Overcoming these fears rewards you with the abilities of crouch invisibility, pushing Mr. Nicky must conquer three "Fear Rooms" that represent childhood fears: a grocery store (we learn in the book that he was left in the back room of a supermarket when he was three), a school (where he was picked on before Raven Brooks), and a dark closet (presumably him being alone in book 3). This version of the house seems to be Nicky remembering certain parts of the place in full, but others in a jumbled up sort of way, due to his childlike mind having made things larger than life over the years. The Nicky is remembering Act 1 in the form of Act 3, as the house is quite surreal compared to the other two houses. Believing he's just exhausted from the trip, Nicky curls up on the couch to sleep. The phone rings, and as Nicky picks it up, The Thing appears across the street. Nicky looks at an old photo of him on a table (somehow still miraculously there after all those years) when something out the window catches his eye. Nicky runs back to the street and enters his old house. Visiting the remains of the house plays a cutscene where Nicky begins hallucinating a shadow-like entity. Peterson's house is shown to be nothing but a burned-out husk. Nicky is evicted from his apartment, forcing him to move back to his childhood home from Act 1 and Act 2. Someone knocks on his door and slips a letter through his door. Nicky Roth wakes up from his nightmare from Act 1 and 2. It has the most puzzles, objects, and others. Act 3 is the longest act in Hello Neighbor.

Act 3 hello neighbor